HomeCorrections Policy

Corrections Policy

Commitment to Accuracy

At KEWIKI, we strive for error-free content, but we acknowledge that mistakes can occur. We uphold our commitment to journalistic integrity by promptly correcting any inaccuracies that may arise.

Accountability and Responsibility

We recognize the importance of accountability, accuracy, and authority in our content. With the privilege of informing our audience comes the responsibility to provide reliable and trustworthy information.

Timely Corrections

When errors are identified, we take immediate steps to rectify them. Our team ensures that corrections are made swiftly to maintain the integrity of our reporting.

Updating Content

In addition to corrections, we believe in updating content, both related and evergreen, whenever new information becomes available. Whether it’s news or a feature, we ensure that all relevant stories or features on the same subject are updated with links to the latest post. This approach ensures that our readers always have access to the most comprehensive and up-to-date information.

Feedback and Requests

For corrections or update requests, we encourage readers to contact us at info@kewiki.com. Your feedback is valuable to us as we strive to uphold the highest standards of accuracy and reliability in our content.

Thank you for your continued trust in KEWIKI as your source of accurate and reliable information.