Can Keyboard Switches Be Changed? A Comprehensive Guide

Keyboard switches represent the heart of mechanical keyboards, serving as the fundamental components that determine the keystroke’s feel and sound. Unlike membrane keyboards, which rely on a single rubber dome sheet, mechanical keyboards utilize individual switches for each key. This distinction not only enhances durability but also significantly influences the typing experience.

Mechanical keyboard switches can broadly be categorized into three types: tactile, clicky, and linear. Tactile switches feature a noticeable bump in their keystroke, providing physical feedback that a key has been actuated. This tactile bump helps typists avoid bottoming out the key, which can contribute to a more comfortable and efficient typing experience.

Clicky switches, on the other hand, incorporate the tactile bump along with an audible click sound. This distinctive noise is favored by typists who appreciate audible feedback, making it clear when a keystroke has been registered. While this type of switch can enhance typing satisfaction for some users, it may not be suitable for quiet environments.

Linear switches offer a smooth keystroke without any tactile bump or audible click. These switches are often preferred by gamers who require rapid key presses and smooth actuation. The absence of tactile feedback allows for swift and uninterrupted key presses, which can be crucial in fast-paced gaming scenarios.

The choice of keyboard switches significantly impacts both typing and gaming performance. Tactile and clicky switches can be beneficial for typing speed and accuracy, while linear switches prioritize smoothness and rapid actuation. Understanding these differences is essential for selecting the right mechanical keyboard to match individual preferences and usage scenarios. By appreciating the various types of switches and their unique characteristics, users can make informed choices that enhance their overall keyboard experience.

Why Change Keyboard Switches?

Changing keyboard switches is a practice embraced by many enthusiasts and professionals for various compelling reasons. One primary motivation is the quest for a different typing experience. Keyboard switches come in a variety of types, each offering distinct tactile feedback, actuation force, and sound profile. For instance, some users might prefer the smooth, linear action of Red switches, while others may favor the tactile bump of Brown switches or the clicky feedback of Blue switches. By swapping out the switches, users can tailor their keyboard to match their typing preferences, ultimately enhancing their overall comfort and efficiency.

Another significant reason for changing keyboard switches is to improve the feel of the keyboard. Over time, the performance of switches can degrade, leading to a less satisfying typing experience. Replacing worn-out or subpar switches with high-quality alternatives can restore or even elevate the keyboard’s performance, making typing more enjoyable and precise.

Noise reduction is also a key factor driving the decision to change keyboard switches. Mechanical keyboards, particularly those with clicky switches, can be quite loud, which might be disruptive in shared or quiet environments. Opting for quieter switches, such as those with dampening features or silent variants, can significantly reduce noise levels, making the keyboard more suitable for various settings without compromising on performance.

Additionally, replacing faulty switches is a practical necessity for maintaining the functionality of a keyboard. Switches can fail due to wear and tear or manufacturing defects, leading to unresponsive or inconsistent key presses. Replacing these faulty switches ensures the keyboard remains reliable and fully operational.

Lastly, the customization aspect is a major draw for many keyboard enthusiasts. Swapping out switches allows users to personalize their keyboards, creating a unique setup that reflects their preferences and style. This customization not only enhances user satisfaction but also fosters a deeper connection with the typing tool, turning a mundane object into a personalized piece of equipment.

Types of Replaceable Keyboard Switches

When considering replacing keyboard switches, it is essential to understand the different types of switches available and the mechanisms that make them replaceable. Primarily, keyboard switches come in two main categories: hot-swappable switches and soldered switches. Each type has its unique characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages, which affect their replaceability and user experience.

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Hot-swappable switches are designed with convenience in mind. These switches can be removed and replaced without the need for soldering. This feature is particularly beneficial for users who frequently change switches to experiment with different tactile feedback or sound profiles. Hot-swappable keyboards come with special sockets that allow the user to pull out the old switch and insert a new one with minimal effort. The major advantage of hot-swappable switches is their ease of use and flexibility, although they might be slightly more expensive than their soldered counterparts. However, they offer the benefit of customization without technical expertise.

On the other hand, soldered switches are more permanent fixtures on the keyboard PCB (printed circuit board). Replacing soldered switches requires desoldering the old switch and soldering a new one in its place. This process demands a higher level of skill and the right tools, such as a soldering iron and desoldering pump. While soldering can be daunting for beginners, it provides a more secure and stable connection that some users prefer. Additionally, soldered switches often come at a lower cost compared to hot-swappable options.

Several popular switch brands and models are well-known for their user-replaceable properties. Cherry MX switches, for example, are highly regarded for their reliability and variety, including options like Cherry MX Red, Blue, and Brown switches. Other reputable brands include Gateron, Kailh, and Zealios, each offering a range of switches with unique characteristics catering to different preferences. These brands have embraced hot-swappable mechanisms, making it easier for users to customize their typing experience without extensive technical skills.

In conclusion, understanding the types of replaceable keyboard switches is crucial for anyone looking to customize their keyboard. Whether opting for the convenience of hot-swappable switches or the permanence of soldered ones, each type offers distinct benefits tailored to varying user needs and preferences.

Tools and Materials Needed for Switch Replacement

To successfully replace keyboard switches, it is essential to have the right tools and materials at hand. These tools are crucial for ensuring a smooth and efficient switch replacement process. Below is a detailed list of the primary tools and materials required:

Switch Puller

A switch puller is indispensable for removing the existing switches from the keyboard. This tool is designed to safely and efficiently extract switches without causing damage to the keyboard’s PCB or surrounding components. Ensuring you have a high-quality switch puller can make the removal process significantly easier.

Soldering Iron

If your keyboard switches are soldered, a soldering iron becomes a vital tool. The soldering iron is used to melt the solder that holds the switches in place, allowing them to be removed. It is important to use a soldering iron with a fine tip to ensure precision and to avoid damaging other components on the PCB.


Solder is a metal alloy used to create a bond between the switch pins and the PCB. When replacing switches, fresh solder is often required to secure the new switches in place. Lead-free solder is commonly recommended for its environmental and health benefits, though it may require a slightly higher working temperature.

Desoldering Pump

A desoldering pump is used to remove the molten solder from the switch pins during the desoldering process. This tool helps in clearing the solder from the contact points, making it possible to extract the old switches. A good quality desoldering pump can enhance the efficiency and cleanliness of the process.

New Switches

The final and most crucial material is the new switches that you intend to install. These switches should be compatible with your keyboard and meet your personal preferences for actuation force, clickiness, and feel. Having a reliable source for high-quality switches ensures a successful replacement.

By gathering these tools and materials, you can ensure a streamlined and effective keyboard switch replacement process, ultimately enhancing your typing experience.

Step-by-Step Guide to Replacing Keyboard Switches

Replacing keyboard switches can seem daunting, but with the right tools and a methodical approach, it’s entirely manageable. This guide will walk you through each stage of the process, ensuring a smooth and successful switch replacement.

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Start by preparing your workspace and gathering necessary tools. You will need a keycap puller, a soldering iron, solder, a desoldering pump or wick, and the new switches. Ensure your workspace is well-lit and ventilated to avoid inhaling fumes from soldering. Placing an anti-static mat on your work surface can prevent static damage to electronic components.

Removing Keycaps

Use a keycap puller to carefully remove the keycaps from your keyboard. Insert the puller under a keycap, gently pulling upwards until the keycap pops off. Work methodically to avoid damaging the keycaps or switches. Place the removed keycaps in a container to prevent losing them.

Desoldering Old Switches

If your keyboard uses soldered switches, you will need to desolder them. Heat up the soldering iron and carefully melt the solder points on the switch pins. Use a desoldering pump or wick to remove the molten solder. Be patient and avoid applying excessive heat as it can damage the PCB (printed circuit board).

Installing New Switches

Once the old switches are removed, align the new switches with the PCB and plate holes. Press them firmly until they snap into place. If you are replacing hot-swappable switches, simply pull out the old switches and insert the new ones without the need for soldering.

Soldering New Switches

For soldered keyboards, proceed with soldering the new switch pins to the PCB. Ensure each pin is securely soldered, forming a solid connection. Use minimal solder to avoid creating bridges between contacts. Double-check each connection for stability.

Reassembling the Keyboard

After all switches are installed and soldered, reattach the keycaps by pressing them onto the new switches. Ensure each keycap is securely placed. Test the keyboard to confirm all switches are functioning correctly. If any keys are unresponsive, recheck the solder points and connections.

Safety Precautions and Tips

Always work in a well-ventilated area and wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from solder splashes. Take breaks to avoid fatigue and maintain steady hands. Practice on a spare keyboard or a few switches before attempting a full replacement to gain confidence in your technique.

By following these steps and taking necessary precautions, you can successfully replace keyboard switches and enjoy a customized typing experience.

Common Challenges and Troubleshooting Tips

Replacing keyboard switches can be a daunting task, particularly for those new to the process. One of the most common challenges users face is the difficulty in removing the existing switches. This issue often arises due to inadequate tools or a lack of experience. To mitigate this, it is essential to use a high-quality keycap puller and switch puller. Additionally, applying gentle but consistent force can help prevent damage to the keyboard or the switches themselves.

Another frequent problem is related to soldering. Many users struggle with desoldering the old switches and soldering the new ones correctly. Desoldering can be made easier with the use of a desoldering pump or desoldering braid to remove old solder efficiently. When soldering new switches, it is crucial to ensure that the soldering iron is set to the correct temperature and that sufficient solder is applied to create a solid connection. Poor soldering can result in switches that do not function properly or are inconsistent in their performance.

Issues with new switches not functioning correctly can be particularly frustrating. This problem can stem from a variety of causes, such as improper installation, defective switches, or incompatibility with the keyboard’s PCB. Begin troubleshooting by verifying that each switch is securely placed and properly aligned with the PCB. If the issue persists, testing the switches individually with a multimeter can help identify any defective units. In some cases, it may be necessary to contact the manufacturer for warranty or replacement options.

Lastly, it’s essential to ensure that the new switches are compatible with your keyboard model. Different keyboards may require specific types of switches, and using the wrong ones can lead to functionality issues. Thoroughly researching and confirming compatibility before purchasing switches can save time and prevent unnecessary complications.

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By addressing these common challenges with the right tools, accurate techniques, and attention to detail, users can successfully replace their keyboard switches and enjoy enhanced typing experiences.

Benefits of Replacing Keyboard Switches

Replacing keyboard switches can significantly enhance the overall user experience, particularly for those who spend considerable time typing. One of the primary benefits is the improvement in typing comfort. Different keyboard switches offer varying degrees of actuation force and tactile feedback, allowing users to select switches that best suit their typing style. For example, switches with lower actuation force can reduce the strain on fingers, making long typing sessions less fatiguing.

Another notable advantage is the potential increase in typing speed. Users who switch to a type of keyboard switch that matches their typing habits often find that they can type more quickly and accurately. This is especially true for mechanical keyboard enthusiasts who appreciate the responsive feedback that certain switches provide. Enhanced typing speed not only boosts productivity but also makes the typing experience more enjoyable.

Additionally, replacing keyboard switches can lead to a reduction in typing fatigue. Switches with smoother keystrokes and a more comfortable actuation point can alleviate the physical toll on hands and fingers. This is particularly beneficial for professionals who type for extended periods, such as writers, programmers, and data entry specialists.

The customization aspect of replacing keyboard switches is also a significant benefit. Users can tailor their keyboards to their personal preferences, choosing switches that align with their desired sound levels and tactile feel. Some might prefer the silent operation of linear switches, while others may opt for the audible click of tactile switches. This level of customization can transform a standard keyboard into a personalized tool that enhances overall satisfaction and productivity.

Testimonials from users who have replaced their keyboard switches often highlight these benefits. For instance, one user noted, “Switching to a different type of switch made my typing experience much more comfortable and less tiring. I noticed a marked improvement in my typing speed and accuracy.” Another user shared, “Customizing my keyboard with new switches allowed me to find the perfect balance between sound and feedback, making my daily tasks more enjoyable.”

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Throughout this comprehensive guide, we have explored the intricacies of changing keyboard switches. From understanding the types of switches available to delving into the technical steps required, it is evident that changing keyboard switches is not only feasible but also advantageous for those seeking a personalized typing experience.

Switch customization allows users to tailor their keyboards to better suit their specific needs, whether for gaming, typing, or general use. The process, while requiring some technical know-how, is accessible with the right tools and resources. As outlined, the benefits include improved tactile feedback, enhanced typing speed, and a more satisfying overall interaction with your keyboard.

For enthusiasts and beginners alike, the pursuit of the perfect switch can lead to a more enjoyable and efficient use of their devices. The flexibility to choose and modify switches underscores the customizable nature of modern mechanical keyboards, making it a rewarding endeavor.

For those looking to dive deeper, numerous online resources and communities offer invaluable support and knowledge. Websites such as Reddit’s Mechanical Keyboards community and various YouTube channels dedicated to keyboard customization provide extensive tutorials, reviews, and discussions.

In embracing the journey of changing keyboard switches, users not only enhance their typing experience but also join a vibrant community of keyboard enthusiasts who share a passion for innovation and customization. With the right preparation and resources, anyone can successfully navigate the process and enjoy the myriad benefits of a tailored keyboard setup.


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